Gosick Wiki

Welcome to the Wiki

Greetings, dear Reader.
This is the unofficial Wikia site for the Gosick anime project. The Wiki includes information regarding the light novels, the manga adaptation, the audio drama, and the anime adaptation by BONES.


the franchise

What is Gosick?

the people


the world

Sauville and Beyond

the source

Light Novels

in black and white


a vivid retelling

The Anime Series

the people behind the work

Cast and Staff

files from sauville

Case Overview

Episode Update

Episode 13: The Fool Designates His Own Mouthpiece

The days of summer vacation end, and what seems like two disjointed events converge into one case to solve. While Avril tries to sort out Kazuya's feelings on a movie, Victorique stumbles upon a mysterious book. Kazuya becomes the link when he finds out that the book and the movie are both about an alchemist and its story. More...

Sauville Chronicle

Issue 2: First Days in Sauville
Issue 1: Gosick? What is it?

thumb|left|270px|GOSICK - ED - Resuscitated Hope

Wiki List
Spotlight Request
Spring Season 2024 Anime Wikis
TV Anime
TV (Multiseason)

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